The regulations for granting Maltese citizenship by naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment (ESDI) provide a streamlined path from residence to citizenship, with options to include family members. In addition to a philanthropic contribution, citizenship by investment in Malta requires substantial investments in real estate and the broader Maltese economy

ESDI | Citizenship By Investment In Malta

To acquire Maltese citizenship through the Exceptional Services by Direct Investment (ESDI) regulations, applicants must meet the following criteria.

  • Criteria

    • Main applicant must be over 18 years of age, with a clean personal conduct, and no criminal record

    • Applicants must hold a minimum of 12-months' legal residence status in Malta

    • Must not have a denied visa status with any country, which has a visa-free arrangement with Malta

    • Health insurance is required for all applicants

  • Dependents

    • Spouse / De-facto Partner;
    • Unmarried children of the main applicant or spouse, up to age 28
    • Parents of the main applicant or spouse
    • Grandparents of the main applicant or spouse

  • Non-Eligibility

    Nationals of Afghanistan, Belarus, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Venezuela are not elgibile to apply.

    This list is revised periodically by Community Malta Agency.

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The Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services through Direct Investment, (ESDI) regulations in Malta offer two strategic pathways to attain citizenship in Malta.

  • Residential Property Lease

    • EUR 750,000 investment in the Maltese Economy
    • EUR 22,000 Government Administration Fees
    • EUR 10,000 Donation to a local NGO
    • EUR 16,000 Minimum Annual Lease Value (5 years holding period)

  • Residential Property Purchase

    • EUR 750,000 investment in the Maltese Economy
    • EUR 22,000 Government Administration Fees
    • EUR 10,000 Donation to a local NGO
    • EUR 700,000 Minimum Property Value (5 year holding period)

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The investment in the Maltese Economy may be reduced to EUR 600,000 if applicants choose to hold 3 years' residence instead of 12 months, prior to applying for citizenship.


From enquiry to completion, the ESDI's 4-stage process takes approximately 14-16 months.

  • I - Residence

    Approximately 1-2 Months

    • Maltese Government provides clearance to apply

    • Statutory forms and supporting documentation are prepared

    • Applicants visit Malta for registration of biometric data and submission of residence application

    • Residence card is issued

  • II - Eligibility

    Approximately 9-10 Months

    • Statutory forms and supporting documentation are prepared together with a medical interview

    • Sources of wealth and funds are thoroughly documented

    • Application is submitted and Community Malta Agency conducts due diligence

    • Agency confirms eligibility

  • III - Investment

    Approximately 3-4 Months

    • Citizenship application is prepared and submitted, on or after the 12-month anniversary of becoming a Maltese resident

    • Agency approves citizenship in principle, and requests confirmation of investment

    • Applicants make required investment, and evidence is submitted to the Agency

  • IV - Citizenship

    Approximately 1-2 Months

    • Agency approves Investments and invites applicants to Malta, for the Oath of Allegiance

    • During the Oath of Allegiance, the Agency issues the Citizenship Certificate

    • Applicants visit Passport Office for biometrics, and passport is issued shortly after

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